Friday, 11 July 2008

It's a 2-for-1!!

This, too, is amazing. You should watch it also. Now.

As excited as I am to see this movie (I won't get it till August 7th) it still really breaks my heart to watch the trailer. I admired Heath Ledger so much and I find it a serious tragedy that he lived such a short life. I imagine that he'll go on to become an iconic cinematic figure, much like James Dean and River Phoenix, whose images are shrouded with mystery and intrigue. People like them always make me think of Bob Fosse and how he said he, "Never intended on living past 25. Dying young always seemed so much more romantic." ... while I admit that I find that sort of Bohemian attitude intoxicating, I realize that my mind is not nearly passionate enough to sustain that kind of reckless,"Carpe Diem-esque" devotion to living life so completely. I'd always find ways to rationalize life's greatest risks away. And as cliche as it sounds - the greatest risks tend to reap the greatest rewards. I suppose we all just have to decide where our priorities lay. And whether or not we are more concerned with setting up a life in the future, or just living it right now, in the moment ... which (it's no secret) is not something I have ever been able to do.

Wow, that ended up pretty heavy for just being about a Batman movie. Heh.

Get busy living, or get busy dying...

This is hysterical, and all around fabulous! Watch it. Now.

Thursday, 3 July 2008


I have to say, one of my favorite things to do during Summer is seeing movies! There's a new blockbuster hitting theaters each week offering a way to beat the heat and indulge in popcorn, soda, and other such sweet treats.

So far my favorite this summer is a toss-up. I was a big fan of Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull ... but I suppose I saw it with a different set of expectations than most. I think I enjoyed it because I viewed it as just another opportunity to live in Indy's world. More than anything I relished Stephen Spielberg's signature shots and classic one-liners. Overall, I enjoyed myself while on a 2 hour action-adventure! Of course it wasn't as good as Raiders of the Lost Ark, but if you genuinely expected it to be you were setting yourself up for disappointment. The cast and crew and all those involved made it clear when they were promoting the film that they were just out for one more adventure, to tell another story and have a good time. What else can you ask for during summer time?!

The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian was kind of the kick-off for my summer movie viewing and I really loved it. I liked it better than the first, but I expect that's because unlike "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" I haven't read "Prince Caspian" so I wasn't distracted by any of the film's detours from C.S. Lewis' book. I continue to be impressed with their CGI techniques and found most of the film's cinematography breathtaking. There were a few *romantic* things could have done without (this is a family movie, not an Olsen Twin TV Special, right?) but no movie is goin to be perfect. I'm excited to hear they are making a third because I really enjoy this fil franchise. And for those that thought this second installment of the Narnia series was "less Christian" than the first; I advise you to google St. Peter and his trouble having faith when there was not physical evidence of God or Christ's intervention. Or maybe look up what is written in the Gospels about Peter's difficulty controlling his temper and letting go of his pride. Then watch the movie again, and see how Peter and his siblings act. ...Lucy's blind faith and pure heart are what's needed to receive the gifts that 'Narnia' is trying to give her whole family ... and her steadfast devotion to Aslan provides the strength and perseverance needed for the four to succeed in their defense of the other-worldy home they have gracefully found their way back to.

Kung Fu Panda has of course been a major highlight one my list this Summer. The animation was spectacular, and actually quite action packed! I enjoyed the fight scenes as much as I did the film's sharp humor. What I wasn't expecting was this movie to have as much heart as it did! The characters tugged on my heartstrings and I found myself emotionally invested in their journey ... if I didn't know better, I would say that Disney/Pixar have some competition in store, but from what I've heard about Wall-E, Dreamwork's status as the red-headed stepchild of the animated feature family is secure. Oh well.

88 Minutes -- a cast full of "that one guy/girl from that one show/movie" + Al Pacino = horribly lame. Not even awesomely bad. Seriously, don't even Netflix this one, or give it a second thought when it inevitably runs for 2 months straight on Starz this Fall.

Wanted -- AWESOMELY BAD! Oh my gosh, I loved this movie. It was so entertaining. It kept me on the edge of my seat, not because of suspense of the plot or the innovative action shots, but because of it's complete ridiculousness. Never in my movie-going life has a movie prompted me to say "Are you kidding? ... Seriously? ... hah. That's awesome." etc. more than Wanted did. And it's pretty hot outside, so 2 hours in a dark, air conditioned theater can't be all that bad of an alternative. Just don't take it seriously, the film makers sure didn't.

Get Smart is the only other 'Summer Movie' I have seen. Again, it was entertaining. but I didn't love it. I could have done without some of the political commentary.. but I'll just leave it at that. The writing was good, and the acting was too but it wasn't anything I'll be waiting in line for once it's on DVD. But ... as I saidI liked it, ... it's hot outside, and it's got a lot of good laughs. I mean, really, can you go wrong with Steve Carell and Anne Hathaway? I don't think so.

Anyway... I never got a chance to see Sex and the City, but I'm sure I would have liked it. I am impatiently awaiting the release of The Dark Knight, and can't wait to see Wall-E. Plus the X-Files movie is coming out soon I think too. I don't see M. Knight Shyamalan movie's anymore because I haven't liked any since The Sixth Sense ... and after learning about his directing style (which is very very good - I don't deny that) I haven't been able to just enjoy one of his movies without trying to unlock all of the clues. So as for The Happening, I'll pass... but I hear I'm not missing much. Of course all of this is just my own humble opinion, and you might completely disagree. But I think it's been a good Summer Movie season so far. Don't you?