Wednesday, 23 April 2008

B is for Blog

I am still deciding exactly what Life: on the Rocks is going to focus on. While I would love to just write on impulse - about whatever happens to be motivating me that day. However, I don't think that would be very interesting for you, so I am trying to focus my creative energy and come up with something a bit less random, and slightly more compelling. Well there are many things in life that I enjoy that I could write about - but L:otR (Hey! That's the same acronym for Lord of the Rings.. funny) isn't so much about what I want to write about, as what you want to read about. I guess I will begin with what I know (which isn't much) and go from there. Feedback along the way is not only welcome, but also greatly appreciated. So speak up.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I heard they are making a film of 'The Hobbit' and another story before LOTR. The same guy who played Gandalf in LOTR is going to play him in this new movie.